From paper to Heart: The importance of Handwriting in the modern world.

We live in a time when tecnology dominates communication and organization and, as a result, the idea of tradicional writing has been pushed "aside".
However, there are many benefits that tecnology does not achieve. 

The importance of personal connection

Writing by hand in a notebook allows you to create a greater connection with your thoughts and ideas. 
Unlike writing with tecnology, which is impersonal and manual, "traditional" writing allows us to express our thoughts more freely, including scribbling, a crucial element  of handwriting.

Increased focus and concentration

In this world, where there are lots of social distrations, writing by hand can help improve concentration and focus. 
Without access to notifications, you can devote more time to your thoughts and writing.

Recording memories

While photographers record moments, with handwriting you can access your thoughts and feelings, allowing you to flip through the pages and relieve them.

Flexibility and customization

Unlike electrical devices, where we are constantly in contact with predefined projects, in a notebook and with handwriting, we can organize and personalize them as we wish.

Let handwriting transform you and bring your ideas to life. ✍

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